Tables are defined with the< table >tag. Tables are divided intotable rowswith the< tr >tag. Table rows are divided intotable datawith the< td >tag. A table row can also be divided intotable headingswith the< th >tag. Table data < td > are the data containers of the table. They can contain all sorts of HTML elements like text, images, lists, other tables, etc. An HTML Table with a Border Attribute If you do not specify a border for the table, it will be displayed without borders. A border can be added using the border attribute:
Open this comment box and copy paste
< html > < body >
< h2 >HTML Tables< /h2 >
< p >HTML tables start with a table tag.< /p > < p >Table rows start with a tr tag.< /p > < p >Table data start with a td tag.< /p >
< hr > < h2 >1 Column:< /h2 >
< table > < tr > < td >100< /td > < /tr > < /table >
< hr > < h2 >1 Row and 3 Columns:< /h2 > < table > < tr > < td >100< /td > < td >200 < /td > < td >300 < / td > < /tr > < /table >
< hr > < h2 >3 Rows and 3 Columns:< /h2 > < table > < tr> < td >100 < /td > < td >200< /td > < td >300 < /tr > < tr > < td >400< /td > < td >500< /td > < td >600 < / td > < /tr > < tr > < td >700< /td > < td >800< /td > < td >900< /td > < /tr > < /table >
< hr >
< /body > < /html >
Thank u!